We just got back from San Antonio!

The only way to stay on top of all the changes in the Appliance Service industry is through a rigorous combination of:

  • Continuing education,

  • Regular online and in-person training,

  • Attendance at professional conferences and

  • Networking with other professionals in the trade.

With the way that appliance technology is rapidly advancing, we have to work hard and be very intentional about keeping up with the latest developments and advancements in our field in order to provide YOU, our treasured customer, with the best possible service. It’s why education is one of the four pillars of Cavalry Appliance Service.

One of the main ways we accomplish all these goals is to invest in attending the United Appliance Servicers Association’s (UASA- www.unitedservicers.com) ASTI (Appliance Servicers Training Institute) Conference each year, where we dive head first into non-stop training around all the latest technologies, common issues, and repair techniques for the appliances we see most in our area (we choose what benefits YOU the most!). During ASTI, we get hands-on, intense training directly from the experts for that specific appliance our customers struggle with and have the opportunity to ask specific questions about tough problems. This type of opportunity is essential for us to be able to diagnose and repair complex problems with today's appliances, which are becoming increasingly sophisticated and integrated with technology.

Not only is there technical training, but we also “divide and conquer” so Ginny can take advantage of classes about business, professionalism, accounting, customer service, goal setting and quality management. We believe in intentionally doing our part to keep our important niche in the trade industry on a path of improved knowledge and professionalism- and we give back to others whenever possible. At this year’s ASTI, Ginny taught a class to other business owners about how to Identify, Prioritize and Plan for personal and professional goals to care for and improve themselves and their businesses.

Attending ASTI also provides us with the opportunity to network with our peers, exchange ideas and best practices, and learn from the experiences of others in the industry. This not only helps us expand our knowledge and skills, but also provides us with the opportunity to share our own experiences and expertise and help to build a community of knowledgeable and skilled Appliance businesses across the nation who can provide better service to their customers.

So, how does that benefit you?

  • You continue to have top-notch, well-trained and knowledgeable technicians that are better equipped to diagnose and repair your appliances in a timely and effective manner.

  • You get faster service times, reduced downtime and a high level of satisfaction.

  • If we don’t know the answer, we can find it because we have strong relationships with other experts in the industry.

  • We are more knowledgeable about industry best practices and the latest technologies that save you time and money.

  • You feel confident and trust us to show up, be professional and solve your problem quickly. (P.S. Did you know that Cavalry Appliance Service was awarded the “Most Professional Servicer Award” for our sized company at this year’s ASTI? See our home page for details!)

We know you have a choice about who you invite into your home when something goes wrong with your appliance and we promise to continue to do our best to bring you the very best tools, knowledge and professionalism every time you choose Cavalry.

Thanks for trusting us; we don’t take it lightly!

Many blessings,

The Seeleys


Shoes in your Washing Machine?


Appliances in the Summer vs. Winter